


Please register at the Parish Office for Baptism, prior to the birth of your precious newborn.
    Adults who have not previously been baptized should contact our Faith Formation office to inquire about the R.C.I.A. process (788-6153) for more detailed information.

    MATRIMONYMarriage Preparation:
In an effort to strengthen married life, the seven dioceses of Michigan have adopted a policy for wedding preparation, which includes:

    • Contact Parish 9 months prior to desired wedding date.
    • Attend 6-hour We CARE Communication Sessions.
    • Attend minimum of 3 Catholic Information Sessions.
    • Attend 2-hour Natural Family Planning Introduction Session.
    • Participate in the Parish FOCCUS/Sponsor Couple Program (at least 4 sessions).
    • Attend Remarriage Seminar (for couples where at least one is marrying for the second time.)

    Introduction to Natural Family Planning (NFP):
    This introductory course is a 2-hour session designed for engaged and married couples. This includes the Introduction video, discussions and small group sessions. Upon successful completion of the course, engaged couples receive a Certificate of Completion to be included in their marriage preparation file. Advance registration is required. There is a fee of $20 per couple. For additional information concerning this program or to register, contact the Diocese of Lansing NFP office at 517-342-2587 or visit the website:
    Worldwide Marriage Encounter:
    This is a series of presentations given by a team of Catholic couples and a Catholic priest. Each presentation allows you and your spouse a rare opportunity to look at yourselves as individuals, then to look at your marriage and your relationship to one another and finally to look at your relationship to God, the Church and the world.
    The Retrouvaille Program is for the healing of marriages that are struggling, even for those who are separated and divorced. Retrouvaille believes that no matter how bad things have been, people can and do change. Retrouvaille gives hope that things can be worked out. Location: St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt.
    Beginning Experience:
    This is a spiritual weekend designed to help the widowed, divorced and separated make a new beginning in life. The Beginning Experience helps participants work thorough the grief process associated with loss and provides an opportunity to begin the healing process.
    517 342-2471 or


    The Pastoral Care Department of Allegiance Hospital and Care Link Health Care is now strictly enforcing the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPA). This means they will not release patient information to others.

    In the event that a patient is admitted to the hospital and does not object to being included in the hospital's religious directory, a member of the clergy can access the patient's name and room number at the time of their visit.

    However, if you or a loved one would like to be visited by an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist while hospitalized or homebound, please contact the Parish Office directly at 784-7184 to make sure someone will visit you with Holy Eucharist.


    Preparation for Confirmation takes place during the 8th Grade year in a program designed outside of the classroom. The process includes once a month sessions on Sunday afternoons, close work with their Sponsors, homework, service, an interview and Retreat.

    For Information or Questions regarding St. Mary's Confirmation program, please contact: 
    Jake Gerber, or 517-783-2748."


    Preparation for First Eucharist and Reconciliation takes place in the Fall/Winter semester of the Second Grade year. Preparation includes a parent meeting and special support materials and a student interiew.

    Contact the Religious Education office, for more information or further details (788-6153).